Friday, December 18, 2009

Santa Clause!?

Tonight we finally went to visit Santa Clause! We were at the mall and I asked Cohen if he wanted to go see Santa. He was very willing. This year he has finally been old enough to understand all of the stories about good boys and girls, presents, reindeer, fireplaces, and such so he was well aware of Santa.  We stood in line and Cohen didn't want to wait. He kept pulling on mom and dad's arm wanting to cut in line. Finally it was our turn and we started walking toward him, and then about 2 feet away Cohen started to back up. Noah and I had a plan that if he cried we would throw him on Santa's lap and get a picture anyway. So I scooped him up and put him on good ol Santa's lap. I thought he would burst into tears but instead he went silent. He just looked at us like "I can't believe you turned on me". We snapped a few pics and then we were on our way. He was fine afterwards but hasn't spoken another word about Santa tonight...