My little sister gave birth today at 4:01pm to baby Baron. We are so happy he is finally here! 7 pounds 14 oz and 21 inches! She always has the tall thin babies. Her first child, Beya, was there for all the excitement. She kept saying "push mom, push". I had her off to the side though so she didn't see any of the "real" birthing stuff. But I lifter her up to see Barons head coming through and she said "mommy owie". So I explained that mommy didn't hurt because the nurse gave her medicine. And afterwards she said "baby"! So she knows her little brother is here:) We are all excited. Congratulations to mommy, daddy, Beya, and baby!Daddy and baby
Big boy! (certain parts blurred out!)
Bis sis Beya
Mommy and baby
Cutting the cord
8 years ago